Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Kilmarnock, Va.
Robert Trabold
Utter quiet just silent breeze
brushing my face. Blue Chesapeake
Bay water lies in silence – sunshine.
Breeze flutters over it – but hardly
moving it.  Late afternoon sunshine
diming adds to the peace.
Happy to be here touch of beauty
moment of silence – enchanted world.
They wash over me.
Let me hold on to them
will always remember  them.  Years of life
run by like breeze touching my face.
I wonder where is it all going
my world – endless wars of my country?
Here on the wharf, watching blue
water gives me hope.
Moments of beauty point to the Beloved
will not let my hands go –nor our world’s.
St. Paul says:
“For those of faith,
all things work for the good.”

Robert Trabold
            As we approach the month of December, we enter into the season of Advent and Christmas where we commemorate and remember the birth of Jesus Christ on earth.  The heavens opened up and Jesus was born to bring us the Good News of how we are to live as God’s children on earth. This time is also a busy one for us.  The season brings many social activities with our family and friends. We commemorate the birth of Jesus which brings us together with other people. The month of December has also the down side of the rampant commercialism which accompanies this holy time.  Starting already early in November, the stores and media pound us with advertisements on what to buy for ourselves, our household, relatives and friends.  These are all over the place and we cannot escape them.  They can distract us from the real and deep meaning of Advent and the Christmas season.  We have to struggle on our part to keep in focus the spirituality of this season which will help us not be dominated by the materialism and gift giving.  The social activities of this season are important but we have to put them in perspective so they do not overwhelm us.
            The advent of Jesus into the world should remind us that the central goal of our life is to put God at the center. Jesus came to give us the Good News that God our Father loves us and wants us to love Him in return. This can be more difficult than it sounds.  Our human life on earth is complicated and we can be torn in many directions. Some of these can be good, others bad for us. During Advent, we have to clear the air and refocus our sights on Jesus and His message. One of the things that can help us in this task is to be faithful to our daily meditation of twenty minutes, twice a day. For a short while, we put other things aside in our life and focus on the presence of the Lord at our still point and center and on His path for us to follow.
            In meditation and contemplative prayer, we let go of our thoughts, desires, plans, images, etc. and we enter into silence and focus on the presence of the Divine who is there. There is a cleaning out of ourselves for a short while to be in the presence of someone who is the origin of our life. In meditation, there is simplicity because we quietly repeat our mantra; there is no fuss in this. This repetition of the mantra helps us go beyond many words, images, thoughts to focus on the presence of our Beloved. In this focusing on the Lord in silence and simplicity, we receive the invitation of love.  We realize that the Lord loves us and want us to love in return.  It is an invitation to orientate our life around one who will fulfill us. Only God can do this. We will no longer be torn in every direction but see the path to follow in life which will bring us a peace which the world cannot give.
            This is the reason why Jesus came into the world in order to give us this invitation to enter into God’s path and love. Our work then in Advent is to orientate ourselves to this call from the Divine. We will participate in all the social activities of this season but also keep in our sights the real meaning of Advent and the coming of Christ. We will not let the materialism of our modern and urban world deceive us. We will put our sights on the things which do not pass away. God offers us His/Her hand with the
coming of Jesus and we have to prepare ourselves to reach out and grasp it.