Friday, April 3, 2015




Quiet spring –Sunday morning
sleepy neighborhood rests in peace
northern air blew away night’s fog
leaving behind clean crisp air.
Sky is so blue – rare for New York City
not even Michelangelo could paint it
like it is.
Breeze wraps around me
freshness waking me up.
Silence pervades all – like a
cat walking on lush green grass.

I too feel silence – covers
me like sunlight.
Watch my breathing
touching me softly
soft as lush freshly cut grass.

Feel a pain of longing – divine
silence is kissing me
embracing me.
Silence of my Beloved – Silence of God!
I would like to cry – tears forming
such depth – longing – mystery.
World – my life swirl around me
endless problems – headaches.

Such is life – but someone loves me
touching me in spring garden.
Feel a hand – present – leading
me on to greater love!
A ballast! -  boat won’t tip!



Robert Trabold

            As we come to the close of Holy Week and experience Easter Sunday, it is time to pause and reflect on what Jesus is offering us with His life, death and resurrection. Jesus’ life came to a dramatic close with His death on the cross but entered into a new dimension with the resurrection. He overcame the powers of evil and then His Father gave Him a new life and He continues to announce His good news and message as the Risen Lord through the centuries. As we now close Holy Week, it is good for us to reflect on what Jesus is offering us in this Easter season. He is victorious and the powers of evil can no longer touch Him. Through Christians, He wants to continue His work and give to the world the good news of salvation.

            Jesus came to tell us that we are spiritual beings and as such we are to live in a certain way and have an eternal destiny. Our very person and spirit is rooted in God and it is important for us to discover this each day in a deep way.  We grow in a true understanding that we are spiritual beings grounded in God by being faithful to our daily meditation.  In this, we make a journey to our center and still point. There we find out that we are rooted in God and that through our faithfulness to our daily contemplation, we slowly align ourselves and our many experiences with God.

            In contemplation, we sit in silence.  We try to let go of thoughts and ideas and rest at the center of our person where experience a presence, the presence of the Lord. We are faithful to the use of the mantra which echoes through our whole being and acutely feel the Divine within us. We sit in this presence, which is one of love and who invites us to love in return. As time goes on, we realize that God is at our center so that He/She can direct and orientate our life.  No longer are we torn between various ways of living but align ourselves with the way that Jesus wanted and preached in His life. The world gives to us different ways to live many of which are detrimental to ourselves and to the people around us. To avoid this, we are called to be always faithful to our daily contemplation so that our friendship with the Lord continually grows and our life revolves around this unity.

            This is the gift that the Risen Lord wants to give us this Easter season. Through our contemplation, He gives us the opportunity to be truly ourselves, spiritual beings. He is offering us the freedom and space to be ourselves with this dignity. In meditation, we put aside our thoughts and ideas and sit in the presence of the One who loves us. He asks us to love in return. We sit in the presence of the Divine because we are spiritual beings and this is our calling. We are called to align ourselves with God who gives us that peace which comes from this harmony.  It is a deep peace which the world cannot give. This is the joy that the Risen Lord brings to us during this Easter time. By being spiritual beings, we can sit in the presence of the Divine at our center.  This is a great gift which should orientate our life on earth and bring us to our final Easter Sunday in eternal life.

                                    “I know that you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth….He is not
                                    here – He has been raised….He is going to Galilee ahead of you;
                                    there you will see Him, just as He told you.”  Mark 16; 6-7.
